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Addressing Racial Inequities in Health Care (Amid Emergencies and Disasters)

Addressing Racial Inequities in Health Care (Amid Emergencies and Disasters)

Health Care for the Homeless hosted its inaugural Community of Practice on Homelessness: A COVID-19 Response virtual session on Thursday, June 25th at 1:30 pm. The topic: Addressing Racial Inequities in Health Care (Amid Emergencies and Disasters). This subject, covered in a two-part series this summer, serves as the first of many Community of Practice conversations. 

Community of Practice conversations are designed to equip local stakeholders with tools to address disparities exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and build strategic alliances helpful in creating sustainable solutions for ending homelessness.

The panelists are Baltimore County Executive John Olszewski, Jr., Rev. Dr. S. Todd Yeary and Dr. Lisa Cooper. Participants included a cross-section of faith and community-based, education, business, health care, government, law enforcement and philanthropic leaders.

  • The first session in this two-part series focused on addressing racial inequities in the response stages of COVID-19

  • Panelists assessed and explain how racial inequities and disparities experienced by distressed populations of color (especially those experiencing homelessness) are exacerbated as a result of COVID-19

  • Followed by Q&A